+1(484) 883-7247 diane@dianecatrambone.com

Nerium product photoAnti-aging. I know…it should be graceful and endearing to my authentic self. For the most part, it is. I’m enjoying the process, maybe laughing a bit too hard at my own expense, but feeling pretty good about myself as I round the corner to 60 years old. I’m healthy and strong. No medications so far and I have got a very positive outlook on life, in the present and for the future. I eat right for me most of the time and exercise almost daily. And I have just shared with you how my willingness to be vulnerable has helped to make me more authentic. However…there are those little lines showing up on my face and the eyelid droop? What is that about?

At a networking function last week, the sponsor was a delightful woman who has become involved with a product called Nerium. Here we go..I told myself…another stab and staving off the inevitable. She had my attention, though when she spoke of the produce being totally natural (oleander) and a big attention grabber was that you use your regular products like face wash, moisturizer etc. in addition to this ONE product, which is an anti-aging cream. No need to purchase a line of product and change up what you are already doing, just add this at night, like a face lift while you sleep. Sounded good to me, maybe a bit pie in the sky, but I figured..oh what the heck, I’ll give it a go. I’m six days in…seriously folks, the eyelids are lifting and that nasty wrinkle that looks like a cut on my brow is diminishing. Interested? Go here to find out more about Nerium Products and, if you like what you see, you can purchase the product!

Full disclosure now..cause that’s the way I roll… If I get 3 people to sign onto this product, I get mine for free.